Sinewave Collective Furthers Their Narrative Arc with Nyah's "Sano"

Sinewave Collective has been gradually filling out their catalog with a host of top-notch, high fidelity tracks and collections, while simultaneously bridging the gap between sound and narrative. Each of their successive releases is accompanied by a literary puzzle piece that fills out the emotional context of the songs in question. It’s a formula that has seen some use and success in the hands of other artists, but Sinewave’s adherence to powerful prose and metaphor make for a striking combination with the music in tow. Their most recent international addition is the pressure-laden single “Sano”, brought to life by the German producer Nyah.

Like all tracks featured through Sinewave Collective, “Sano” is refreshingly sharp in both its choice of texture and in the mix itself. There’s a distinct clarity here that showcases the strong engineering proficiency that Sinewave is known for, and Nyah’s clever use of swelling side-chains and stirred rhythms force the brightest point of each sound into the center of the stereo space. It’s a meticulous maelstrom of percussive elements and fierce, band-passed bass lines fighting for acoustic dominance, with clear lines delineating each elements’ specific movements. It’s part neuro, part autonomic drum’n’bass, and entirely on-brand for Sinewave Collective. With the addition of Nyah’s “Sano” to their carefully maintained release catalog, they’re gaining consistent ground in their quest for the hyper precise curation of sound.

While you’re busy soaking up everything “Sano” has to give you, the best practice is to supplement your experience with the narrative blurb centered around the track’s intent and artistic backdrop;

"I found solace as I gasped for one final breath, gazing upon the obelisk suspended above me. The warm glow from it’s arcane transcriptions danced over the water's surface as I plunged into darkness, cascading in tandem with the sinking city. I felt...weightless. As I welcomed the inevitable, the cryptic symbols faded into a distant mirage and I yielded any last attempt to understand their meaning. My body now enveloped by it’s benevolent energy. ’Sano’. Its meaning now so clear to me, I realise, as I find myself at ease once again"

FOLLOW Nyah: Soundcloud / Bandcamp / Spotify

FOLLOW Sinewave Collective: Soundcloud / Bandcamp / Spotify / Webpage