Lo-Fi Sundays 070 - Korey Wade

Korey Wade is a diversely talented producer based in Phoenix, Arizona, and one of the instrumental (ha!) individuals behind Brunch Collect, a community-based platform for beats, food and the combination thereof, also based in Phoenix. In a word, Wade’s music can be described as fun. it’s rich with soul and full of colorful sampling and bright melodies. His instrumental hip-hop is the perfect kind for this time of year, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, that is, when the hues, smells and textures of spring are appearing all around.

His latest effort, the Sunrise EP, is a spectacular blend of light electronica and impactful beats. One can hear how much of this EP is composed as opposed to sampled. He works with keys and synths to delightful effect, tapping out melodies that can be as energetic as they are meditative. He’s no stranger to the low-frequency oscillator and other key elements of digital production.

Our curated playlist attempts to be a microcosm of Wade’s expansive catalog. Beyond his deep reservoir of soul-infused beats, he also produces exceptionally funky and cool house music that we’ve only teased at with the inclusion of the tune “In the Middle” off his 2018 release “This ones for you”. This track, like many of his beats, show how enthusiastic he is about soul, funk and disco music. May of his best cuts sound like the 1970’s were dragged from the attic and recolored and remastered for modern ears. He’s even made some bass music . Indeed, whatever your pleasure, it probably exists somewhere in Wade’s catalog.

FOLLOW Korey Wade: Bandcamp / Soundcloud / Instagram / Spotify / Facebook